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Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Environmental Education Free Shuttle Bus Now Open for Application for District Elementary Schools

Source: Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration
Department: Office of Administrative Services
Release Date: May 3rd, 2012
Contact Person: Director Hung
Contact Number: (02) 2666-7130; 026-376-922

Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Environmental Learning Center was approved on November 17,2011 and is the nation’s first governmental facility to be authenticated by the Central Government. For the purpose of promoting Water Environmental Education,as of 2012,the center provides Elementary School Students’ Outdoor Learning Activity which includes courses on water resources conservation and reservoir outdoor experiences. 50 round trip shuttle buses will be provided to welcome Taipei City, New Taipei City, and specific water district Elementary School students to participate; all participators will receive 2 hours of environmental education credits.

Feitsui Reservoir authorities said that the activity information and registration form can be found at Feitsui Reservoir Website (Chinese) and is also announced at the Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Environmental Learning Center official website.Once activities are posted on the website, schools can fax the registration form to the Sub-Division of Public Relation (Fax Number: (02) 2666-4977 ~ 79);each registration form represents 1 school and 1 echelon;the maximum number of participators for each echelon is 80 (students, teachers and parents included),additional participators need to provide their own transportation and self-insurance. Participating schools please log-on to Taipei Feitsui Reservoir website and download the registration form, complete the form along with official school seal, then fax it to the Sub-Division of Public Relation of Taipei Feitsui Reservoir, and telephone to confirm the selected dates. If an overlap schedule occurs, the reservoir authority will alter the schedule accordingly.

Commissioner Liou stated that Taipei Feitsui Reservoir is the source of Danshuei river basin and contains a rich and diverse water ecosystem;therefore the Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Environmental Learning Center can provide an abundance of water resource ecology to the public and together achieve a Low Carbon Sustainable Reservoir.

Specific water district school participating outdoor learning activity

Specific water district school participating outdoor learning activity